God Sized Dreams: Letter


I don’t really know you, not really.  And yet, I know the you of your writing, and she rocks.  I need to tell you–Gracefulwoman–that even though I don’t really know you, I know this God you write about, and the smile He must have when He takes in your blog, your books, YOU.  I know that I can’t help smiling when I think on all that you’ve taught me.
  • Find faith in the every day.
  • Hold onto Sunday when I get to Monday.
  • See the connection between shopping habits and faith.
  • Back faith story matters to my now faith story.
  • You’ve modeled how a woman of words and faith can hold them together.
  • You’ve introduced me to Benedictines and practices that continue to re-shape my life.
  • You’ve taught me about lent through pages in my hands on so many early Spring mornings.
Do you know that you are a holy spirit conduit?  
You are a light in our church, and I wish you could see how the glow simmers through so much of what’s happening there, and beyond.  I’ve been a part of so many conversations that started with, “Did you read Michelle’s blog today?”  The conversation extends far beyond posts and comments–so many comments I should have posted, encouraged you along the way.  Your courageous ability to put words to paper and honestly talk about doubt creates a space for others to enter in, to join the conversation without the pretense that suffocates.  Thanks for your candor.  You are a breath of honest fresh air in a stuffy world.
Thank you for your writing.  It has mattered to me.  

*I’m (in)couraging Michelle, a trailblazer, today through a letter.  Who could use your encouragement?  I dare you to write a letter, call them up, just find a way to let them know they’ve blazed a trail for you and helped you along the way of life.  That voice that’s saying, “Oh, they’ll think it’s creepy” or “I don’t have time for that” or “I can’t think of anyone,” it’s lying.  Do it.  No really, do it.

3 thoughts on “God Sized Dreams: Letter”

  1. Evi,I am at a complete loss for words, and that doesn't happen very often. Thank you for this. It brought tears to my eyes (another thing that doesn't happen often). I told my roommate at the Jumping Tandem retreat that she breathed out the Holy Spirit, and now, to hear you say something similar about me … it leaves me speechless. Thank you so much for this.


  2. What a sweet post to a fellow blogging friend. I am hopping over from Holley's link up as a fellow God-sized dreamer. Your photo brought me in. My babies are big boys now! I love your sweet photo with your daughter. Your bullet points above are wisdom for all!


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